How Many Earth Like Planets Are In The Universe?

How Many Earth Like Planets Are In The Universe?

How Many Earth Like Planets Are In The Universe Discover Earthlike Planets: Exploring Potential Homes for Humanity in the Stars.  SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Video of the day November 18th 2019 7 Humanity right now is on the move to try and get humanity to the...
What if we colonize venus instead of mars?

What if we colonize venus instead of mars?

What if we colonize venus instead of mars? The Challenges of Living on Venus: Unveiling the Major Obstacles SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Video of the day november 2nd 2019 7 The Major Issue With Trying To Live On Venus So the obvious question that you are likely...
What will happen on Mars by 2058!

What will happen on Mars by 2058!

What will happen on Mars by 2058! Discover the fascinating journey to Mars colonization! SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Video of the day October 14th 2019 7 The State Of Colonies On Mars Right Now Before we can look at the future of Mars, we honestly need to think...
Titan Colonization: Could Saturn’s Moon Be A New Earth?

Titan Colonization: Could Saturn’s Moon Be A New Earth?

Titan Colonization: Could Saturn’s Moon Be A New Earth? Sky’s the show: 10 stellar spectacles to see SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL Video of the day October 3rd 2019 7 From why it could work, to why we would want to go there at all, join me as we explore the...